How to become an hvac technician

How to become an HVAC Technician

Wondering how to become an HVAC technician? one must receive proper training and education from an accredited institution. There are many HVAC schools across the United States that offer certification programs. Once you have completed an accredited program, you will then need to obtain a state license in order to work as a technician. Be sure to check out our post about What is HVAC? Everything You Need to Know About HVAC

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

How to become an HVAC technician: the basics

So, you’re interested in becoming an HVAC technician. Great! The first step is to receive the proper training and education from an accredited institution. There are many HVAC schools across the United States that offer certification programs. Once you have completed an accredited program, you will then need to obtain a state license in order to work as a technician.

The importance of attending an accredited HVAC school

As we mentioned earlier, the first step to becoming a technician is to receive the proper training and education from an accredited institution. This is important because it will ensure that you are properly prepared for a career in this field. There are many HVAC schools across the United States that offer certification programs. Once you have completed an accredited program, you will then need to obtain a state license in order to work as a technician.

Obtaining a state license to work as a technician

Once you have completed an accredited program, you will then need to obtain a state license in order to work. The process of obtaining a state license varies from state to state.

I got my EPA Certification via through escogroup

EPA CertificationEquipmentTest QuestionsTest Duration
Type ISmall Appliances: Air Conditioners, Domestic Refrigerators & Vending Machines25 Multiple Choice Questions30 Minutes
Type II
High to Very High- Pressure Appliances: Residential Air Conditioners, Refrigeration Units & Heat Pumps
25 Multiple Choice Questions30 Minutes
Type III
Low-Pressure Appliances: Chillers
25 Multiple Choice Questions30 Minutes
All of the Above Equipment
25 Multiple Choice Questions30 Minutes

The average salary of an HVAC technician

The average salary for an HVAC technician is $50,000 per year. This figure can vary depending on experience, location, and other factors.

Is becoming an HVAC technician right for you?

Becoming an HVAC technician is a great career choice for those who are interested in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. With the proper training and education, you can become a certified technician in no time. If you think this career might be right for you, we encourage you to learn more about what it takes to become an HVAC technician. You can start by researching accredited HVAC schools in your area and then begin the process of obtaining your state license. Once you have completed these steps, you will be on your way to a successful career as an HVAC technician!